We have already looked at the Lord's Prayer in Matthew 6:9-13

Verse 12 says

[12] and forgive us our sins, just as we have forgiven those who have sinned against us.

Now this is a huge sentence by Jesus...In fact He must have known that people would ignore this part of the prayer because as soon He finished the model prayer He says:

[14]“If you forgive those who sin against you, your heavenly Father will forgive you. [15] But if you refuse to forgive others, your Father will not forgive your sins.

There are many ways of looking at this. But let's clear up a misinterpretation first off. This in no way means that you can earn your salvation or that if you forgive others you are guaranteed a place in Heaven. There is only one name that can save - Jesus! (Acts 4:12) So let's look at what Jesus was saying.

Forgiveness is a requirement and starts with a decision. You have been forgiven a huge debt, so you have no 'right' to hold onto resentment or unforgiveness against anyone else. Jesus also knew that unforgiveness holds back, hinders and injures the person who is refusing to forgive.

If you hold onto resentment (refuse to forgive) it is likely that you will have underlying stress, inner tension and often actual physical sickness or disease. Even cancer can be a result of internalized stress, anger or resentment. Sleeplessness, Migraines, Chronic Pain, Skin irritations, Digestive disorders etc - all are very damaging.

Trauma easily leads to resentment & forgiveness is not always easy or immediate. Ask God to help you & write down anyone you think you have not forgiven. Speak it out loud that you decide to frogive them for what they have done (name the offence & what it did to you). Release that person into God's care - He will judge or forgive...it is up to Him.

There is a lot more to this - especially if you have been abused or had some trauma (ie divorce etc) and feel wronged. In fact resentment develops when trauma coincides with thinking about it too much. Unforgivness is an emotional thing, so if you have truly forgiven you will feel emotional as you release the person.

Be sure to keep this in check - a wounded & unforgiving spirit will sap your strength and joy - and destroy your relationships.

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Today is Day 1 of your walk with God!