You may be here because you want to know God, get closer to Him, avoid hell, be assured a place in Heaven, want healing, know that the Bible is true or a myriad of other reasons...

WARNING: Don't let anything distract you from this. It will be hard - as someone very powerful doesn't want you to read all seven pages...Close your email, bookmark us, turn the phone off, lock the door etc. Seriously do it!

OK let's start at the start. Really you are here because God's Spirit is drawing you. He Created you to know Him, He has given you life & He has kept you safe so far. You are on this web page right now - not by chance but by The Spirit of God! See everything comes from God & He alone can open your eyes to truth and convert your soul. The following is a way of allowing His hand to work in your life - and this can come in many, many different ways. It is different for everyone, not everyone will or wants to read this page!

Each page follows the next - starting with Meet God. Go through each page at your own pace - do not rush. Ask God right now to show you the truth. Ask Him to lead you & speak to you through this web site. This is an exciting and amazing reality so enjoy it.

For the most part I will ask you to pray (talk) to God in your own words, as this is between you & Him - but as you start I will ask that you pray a prayer like the following. "God I don't really know that you exist so please show me for sure today. Please Jesus help me right now, show me truth and open my eyes. Please stop any distraction or other diversion from taking me away. Let this be a time I hear you & have the strength to follow. I am willing to give you my life as you help me."

Have a Bible on hand & look up the verses in italics - I recommend the New Living Translation (NLT) as it is accurate and very easy to understand. You can get cheap & free Bible software for your computer. I use PocketBible for Windows and for my Pocket PC (can share the books you buy for both). There is also a free one called ESWORD.

This section assumes that you believe the Bible - either have faith that it is true - but if you can't go to BIBLE & come back here immediately! When you read the Bible have the mindset "what I read is from God to me" - if you don't have a bible look up the online New Living Translation. It may be a good idea to email me as well so there is prayer for you while you are going through this stuff.