In fact God knew that there was no way you could be forgiven, He knew the guilt & shame you would be living under because of your actions...and He chose to give you a way out. He doesn't have to & can't be persuaded because you may have done some good things...there is only one reason you can be forgiven...any guesses?
JESUS CHRIST! That's right. See when God made the universe - He put certain laws in place. Gravity, Speed of Light, Thermodynamics etc He also put a spiritual law that said if people sin there needs to be payment for that sin.
Until Jesus appeared this was from the blood of goats, sheep & bulls - but that was a tedious thing and it never truly removed guilt from the person. So God sent Jesus to earth. God, in the flesh - lived a sin-free life and was then despised, rejected, beaten and killed.
The thing was that the way He died was God's way of enabling everybody everywhere to be able to be forgiven! Anyone that was hung on a tree became a curse...but Jesus had no the sin of the world (you and me included) was heaped on Him.
Jesus was seperated from God the Father and suffered all of that for you! So you don't have to! He took the punishment you deserve and went through it for you.
Think about this for a while - the Creator of Heaven & Earth came into His own Creation, and allowed Himself to be tortured, ridiculed & rejected...He did it knowing that you woudl someday read this and respond one way or the other...
What to do about Sin:
Repent - a weird word and it means a few things...A good start is to confess our sins to God. He can see them anyway - and He promises to forgive if we do so (1 John 1:9)
Now that you know the huge price that had to be paid for sin, and you know that that price has already been paid for you - it is a great start to accept that free gift and say thanks!
To be forgiven of each thing you have on your list - read them out & confess them to God (ie something like this, your own words are better though "Lord I admit that I have done [your sin here] - I am sorry & ask that you would forgive me. I thankyou that because of Jesus you have forgiven me for this wrong. Help me to follow you from now on - take my life it is yours")
As you go through each sin on your list take time to think about it & really let God convict you of each one. Surrender that part of your life to him. As you confess each one put a tick next to it. The more yo grieve over sin the better. You have been throwing mud all your life...
You may not only feel sadness & remorse - but may have feelings of joy & thankfulness at the same time...
Once finished it is a good idea to go through a prayer dedicating your life to following Jesus Christ. Below is an example but it is better to say your own prayer giving your life to Him as this is between you and Him.
"Lord I thankyou for loving me despite all my faults & the wrong things I have done. I ask that your will would be known to me & done through me from this day on. I welcome your Spirit to be the ruler of my life. Help me know & turn from the things that are displeasing to you & change my heart that I would want to do good. Please help me in the area of [ your needs ] and bring healing to all parts of my life. I dedicate my life to you and will work at developing a relationship with you daily. Thankyou again for sending Jesus to the cross so I can have Life "
Be sure to go & get baptized! Find some true believers who will baptize you immediately.
JESUS CHRIST! That's right. See when God made the universe - He put certain laws in place. Gravity, Speed of Light, Thermodynamics etc He also put a spiritual law that said if people sin there needs to be payment for that sin.
Until Jesus appeared this was from the blood of goats, sheep & bulls - but that was a tedious thing and it never truly removed guilt from the person. So God sent Jesus to earth. God, in the flesh - lived a sin-free life and was then despised, rejected, beaten and killed.
The thing was that the way He died was God's way of enabling everybody everywhere to be able to be forgiven! Anyone that was hung on a tree became a curse...but Jesus had no the sin of the world (you and me included) was heaped on Him.
Jesus was seperated from God the Father and suffered all of that for you! So you don't have to! He took the punishment you deserve and went through it for you.
Think about this for a while - the Creator of Heaven & Earth came into His own Creation, and allowed Himself to be tortured, ridiculed & rejected...He did it knowing that you woudl someday read this and respond one way or the other...
What to do about Sin:
Repent - a weird word and it means a few things...A good start is to confess our sins to God. He can see them anyway - and He promises to forgive if we do so (1 John 1:9)
Now that you know the huge price that had to be paid for sin, and you know that that price has already been paid for you - it is a great start to accept that free gift and say thanks!
To be forgiven of each thing you have on your list - read them out & confess them to God (ie something like this, your own words are better though "Lord I admit that I have done [your sin here] - I am sorry & ask that you would forgive me. I thankyou that because of Jesus you have forgiven me for this wrong. Help me to follow you from now on - take my life it is yours")
As you go through each sin on your list take time to think about it & really let God convict you of each one. Surrender that part of your life to him. As you confess each one put a tick next to it. The more yo grieve over sin the better. You have been throwing mud all your life...
You may not only feel sadness & remorse - but may have feelings of joy & thankfulness at the same time...
Once finished it is a good idea to go through a prayer dedicating your life to following Jesus Christ. Below is an example but it is better to say your own prayer giving your life to Him as this is between you and Him.
"Lord I thankyou for loving me despite all my faults & the wrong things I have done. I ask that your will would be known to me & done through me from this day on. I welcome your Spirit to be the ruler of my life. Help me know & turn from the things that are displeasing to you & change my heart that I would want to do good. Please help me in the area of [ your needs ] and bring healing to all parts of my life. I dedicate my life to you and will work at developing a relationship with you daily. Thankyou again for sending Jesus to the cross so I can have Life "
Be sure to go & get baptized! Find some true believers who will baptize you immediately.